
Capricorn: Liberated Expression of Core (or is that raw) Self

Capricorn Tarot Reading for Aquarius Season February 2025

Capricorn, I’m not even going to front, very similar to Virgo, there’s very little if anything to say after your reading. I think it’s because the rest is for you to show us. Double Star and double King of Wands makes quite the statement and packs quite a punch.

So, let’s talk about your song. Because it is your song now and out of all the songs that came up this season, it’s the one I had not made into a video or posted anywhere, other than sharing it with a couple of friends and my sisters and even then to explain that this was how I was feeling. When I write songs, I try to capture the feeling rather than literal descriptions. Rage is a strong word, and in this song it’s used to capture all that repressed fire energy. The energy that we have locked so deep inside that it takes us by surprise, but once seen and felt, it cannot be shoved down again. Ultimately this song talks about the freedom, the sheer liberation that comes from just letting go of that intense control. Listen to it and let me know what it brings up for you, about you.

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