
Pisces: Make it real, by showing your real

Pisces Tarot Messages Pisces Season March 2025

Make it real – that was the first line that came through when I pulled for this reading. Just to be clear, I do mean ‘your real‘ and not ‘you’re real‘. We’re all always real, but it doesn’t mean we always show it. The ‘Pisces - Pisces season’ messages give us the flavour of the season for everyone, and I absolutely can feel the call for bringing our light into the world. With the North Node in Pisces, eclipse season beginning, and Saturn and Neptune there too, this isn’t about drifting - it’s about emergence.

Forget Who You Are

The Alice the Wonderland Oracle is a reminder to release conditioning and habitual responses. Who says this is how it is, or this is how it should be?

Yew oracle

"Death is just a gateway
As we journey through eternity,
And when death finds you,
Make sure you are fully alive!
Every moment, every encounter
A unique, awesome present.
What is the real treasure of life?"

The Yew Tree speaks of transformation. We must always be ready to renew ourselves in this world or the next and transcend our current boundaries. This card talks about true change, motivated by love and for me, one of my greatest wishes for this influx of Pisces energy is more kindness and compassion for ourselves and each other. I think South Node in Libra revealed where we’ve relied on niceness as a way to maintain harmony - even when it meant suppressing something true in ourselves. Real kindness and compassion come from genuine care, not from trying to elicit a certain response.

Do Not Hide Your Light

"Know that the sense of being the only person with this strange shining within will be replaced in time with the knowledge that your light helps us all escape our prisons, that your light illuminates the darkness of the lonesome path. The world needs your light."

I could not have hand-picked a card more representative of Piscean energy. Here’s one of the big collective shifts that I feel is happening for all of us with the shift reflected by Pluto in Aquarius – being different is no longer a reason to hide. The rarer something is, the more we need the people with those qualities to share them with the world. Can you imagine if some of the unique creative geniuses throughout history had just kept their talents to themselves? If the dreamers had quietly dreamed their dreams?

“Hard times are coming, when we’ll be wanting the voices of writers who can see alternatives to how we live now, can see through our fear-stricken society and its obsessive technologies to other ways of being, and even imagine real grounds for hope. We’ll need writers who can remember freedom - poets, visionaries - realists of a larger reality.” – Ursula K. Le Guin

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