Sagittarius, even before I touched a single card, everything about your reading came through so clearly. You were the only sign where the title, the song, and the theme made themselves so readily known. It was undeniable: your reading is all about how everything’s a remix.
In the reading, we talked about the Serpent and yeah, shedding skin, transforming, and evolving, sounds like a great time until you actually have to do. To say that this process can feel deeply uncomfortable is an understatement, almost like something happening to you rather than something you’re growing into. But remember this: at your core, you are still who you are. You’re not losing yourself. You’re becoming more.
As I said in the reading, there’s also an extra card that made itself known to me at the beginning of your reading - ‘River Rocks’.
The cards keywords are ‘going with the flow, finding peace, and washing away the old’.
Yes, there’s a sense of loss in remixing. You lose the original sound, but the core is still there, reimagined and expressed in a new way. It’s like the theme tune for Aquarian Insight - you can still hear the original in the Bhangra music version that came up for you, but it’s also it’s own new sound now. For you, this means moving through the world in a way that feels transformed. Things will hold new meaning now, shaped by everything you’ve experienced. But there will still be something known in the unknown.
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