Strange encounters are at the heart of the Virgo message this season. Pisces is Virgo’s 7th house, highlighting relationships and interactions. So, strange encounters could mean meeting people who are unlike anyone you have met before, experiencing mystical events and peculiar experiences, or interacting with different cultures, customs, and belief systems. These encounters may be unusual, but they are as real as you are.
The Tree Angel Oracle brings the wisdom of Elm, a card about communication and connection. Elm sows the seed of sincerity, asking us to meet all other beings as aspects of ourselves. It is about seeing the reflection of who we are in others.
Elm Oracle:
"Without animals, you die of loneliness.
Without ancestors, you die rootless.
Without us, you die without a future.
Wake up and listen!
Wake up and speak out!
The dying only hear their own voice
but the living sing in chorus."
This is about healing through relating to others in a new way. The biggest changes are not always flashy or dramatic. Sometimes, it is the tiniest shifts in how we see and engage with others that create the most profound transformations. This is about micro changes that ripple through everything.
Start with why. Why do we see others the way we do? Why do we react the way we do? Why do we believe what we believe? The answers may surprise you and combined with the Gemini and Libra messages, this Virgo message plays a big part in showing the dominance of communication related messages and energy this season.
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