When the sign of interpersonal relating has a message about communication in Pisces season, it’s obvious this is going to go beyond the usual dynamics of speaking or listening. Especially when the message is part of a much larger energetic theme that is unfolding this season.
Gemini and Virgo both brought communication themes to the surface, and Libra adds to this narrative. But this is not just about how we talk. It is about how we relate. It is about the energy behind communication, the dynamics of connection, and the ways we engage with each other.
This season, Venus goes retrograde, influencing how we relate and connect. It is shaping the dynamics of communication in a profound way. This is not about the usual give-and-take of conversation. So it seems that we are rethinking how we engage, how we understand, and how we connect.
Scott’s Pine oracle:
"Persistence and patience.
Stamina needs courage.
Doubt evaporates in the fire of devotion
And the streaming life force swells.
The spiritual warrior has a single mind
And serves a purpose
Far greater than the self."
This reminds us that communication and connection serve a purpose greater than ourselves. It is not just about speaking our truth or avoiding conflict. It is about relating in a way that creates something bigger.
"And if what is close is far, then the space around you is wide indeed and already among the stars; take pleasure in your growth, in which no one can accompany you, and be kind-hearted towards those you leave behind, and be assured and gentle with them, and do not plague them with your doubts or frighten them with your confidence or your joyfulness, which they cannot understand. Look for some kind of simple and loyal way of being together with them which does not necessarily have to alter however much you may change; love in them a form of life different from your own and show understanding for the older ones who fear precisely the solitude in which you trust." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke - Letters to a Young Poet
We’ve spent so long changing ourselves and others. Now, can we find a way of relating that allows us to be who we are and allows others to be who they are? A new dynamic of connection that each of us must discover for ourselves and for each other, in line with Libra’s Pluto quest.
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