
Taurus: A blind-spot revealed

Taurus Tarot Messages Pisces Season March 2025

Something has changed within us. Or maybe it was always there, but is now being seen. A blind-spot about the self being revealed. What once felt justifiable - our desires, our choices, our way of moving through the world - now reveals something deeper. It speaks to our values, to the parts of ourselves that have shifted without us even fully realising it. This is not a sudden moment of reckoning, but a process unfolding over time.

Olive oracle:
"War has no winners.
With the first attack
Humankind has already lost.
Riches come from within
Honor your adversary, there are no enemies.
They will share their sunlight with you
As you share your joy with them."

The message from ‘Into The Lonely Woods’: "Give them space to share their wise stories with you, for nothing that belongs to you can ever be lost. It’s only that for a time you forgot the blessings of all that you are" speaks to reclaiming the parts of ourselves we have lost. We all learn to turn down, or turn up parts of ourselves depending on the demands of our situations. Yet, it can be all to easy to lose parts of ourselves and this reading would suggest we’re not willing to do that anymore.

No matter how this shift shows up - through work, relationships, long-held beliefs - at its core, it speaks to the self and what our values and how we engage with them say about who we are. Let’s be gentle with ourselves as we’re remembering the wholeness of the self and reclaiming the parts that were set aside for an idea of abundance, which never brought us the promised peace.

I have to say, from a personal perspective, this Taurus message brings me great hope for the collective and it would speak to what I outlined for Taurus in my ‘What’s Each Signs Pluto Quest?’ post.

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