
Threshold of Awakened Awareness (Tarot Reading)

Of course shit is just getting more weird and more true...of course.

I sat for this week’s reading in the wake of the Pisces seasonals. Boy, oh boy, what a set of readings those are. They speak to the innate traits, archetypes and, what I have been calling, Pluto quest of each sign. where everything feels a bit blurry, a bit in-between, and nothing is quite as it seems.

Something else that I have observed is that the core truths of what I have been seeing and feeling are not new. These themes, energies, archetypes etc feel more intensely true. I kept having this feeling of “yeah, I know this, I already talked about this, or I knew this would happen” but I never knew it to this extent, I never knew it would be this true. I do not mean this as some kind of ‘I can’t believe‘ no, it’s almost the opposite: “I believed but didn’t realise just how true that belief was“. No matter what we have done or achieved, it feels different now - more intensely true in a way I hadn’t fully realised before.

I hope you’ll let me know how you are getting on with these energies. I know it isn’t easy to convey, but I hope you will try.

I butchered a quote by Samuel Johnson in the reading: "Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all". I know he was being quite dismissive towards women, but I used it to illustrate how difficult it is to talk about Pisces. There is a reason we have needed art and poetry as a language to convey Piscean themes. But I believe we will get better at expressing Pisces in our language as we understand what it means for us.

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