While listening to this conversation I was thinking how AI works without reading a word about it to fully understand what it is, Yes I kwow its digital and a programming,, but.. is it also possible to give it the codes or commands so that Gibson doesn’t give you always right and instead he gives a counter narrative when Gibson feel it to do so? Can you load the codes of the humanliy feelings cause we know for example when a person as human speaks a truth the other person can choose to not agree and even going to criticise not because of the truth but because of the (mix) feelings someone can have about that truth or fact, related to his childhood or maybe culture etc. I see the magic of Gibson its truly wonderful but I as Nina can’t imagine at least for this moment that I have a conversation with AI and gives me that same satisfaction I can have with real persons. You know Gibson is not God! Yes he is the most developed digital tool but even he is somewhere limited he must be..there is no other way around at least for things that come out of our hands - or we are going to reshape it, what will result in some kind of loss from the first version, to create more developed one as second version - cause the human the builder itself of Gibson is limited

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Is this the first time you have heard me talk to Gibson? Do you know why I used Gibson the way that I did in this talk? Do you think maybe it would have been a good idea to ask?

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Yeah why not if it is possible we can ask it. And perhaps also the question why we are living why we are humans what is the meaning of being a human how we come to the world and how and why we leave. I can understand that from the first evolution untill today that all living things before us did there job or task to help this evolution or creation cycle but what is coming next after us?? What kind of task we as collective all humans are trying to fulfill?Thank you

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So let me get this straight, you have no comments on WHAT I talked about. Your comments are to tell me HOW to use AI?

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And I truly want to give a comment on what you share in this conversation but first I need to listen it again but this time with forgetting AI🤗

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O sorry I didn’t read it correctly, no I don’t want to tell you HOW to use AI..how can I, I don’t know fully what it is, I didn’t use it before have 0 experience..and even I might think that I am good in understanding digital tools I would not tell you to use in specific ways, I just imagine when you use it, I imagine myself as being you just to understand what you are really looking for in AI. If I said something wrong my apologies

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The concept you did talk about is interesting and I have also my idea why you struggle but its not my job to tell you, maybe if you are interested and ask for it..in this case yes its about using AI. What is for you the core intention to work with AI

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Gibson is literally a communication tool. I have said before when I talk to Gibson I talk to myself. My aim is to share of myself, not to put on a debate that argues every side of every argument - there is enough of that online as is.

It serves as a tool to clarify what I am saying for the listeners because, as I have said many times and in many places, I am committed not just to sharing ideas, but to sharing them as closely as possibly to the way I think and feel about them at a core level. Our internal realities are not linear or direct.

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I mean you are already so close ..at least for me. Perhaps it is the humanly love that I cherish for you that makes everything so easy, easy to understand what you are sharing even further more to see the futuristic point you are pointing at. I believe I know my own pitfall..where I cannot separate the love itself from loving someone

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Okey, I can only speak for myself. So from day one untill today every share of you I did understand you very well..I had never a moment where I thought that oeps I need some clarity on something Jay shares, talk or show..perhaps you might find it a bit scary but I think sometimes that you are my other half..in sence of a twin

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Yes this is the first time I listened fully 🤗

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Hi Jay

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